Tell us what you think about a new community in Torbay
A new community for Torbay
We recognise Torbay’s housing crisis and are playing our part in providing homes for future generations.
Our plans for Sladnor Park, an area close to Torquay, strike the right balance between preserving a valued area of natural landscape and providing the homes that people need.
Our plans are at an early stage.
We want to know what you think.
What’s planned?
Around 120 new market and affordable homes in a range of sizes on a former holiday park.
Bespoke designs that create an original and welcoming neighbourhood.
Protecting the surrounding small forest, creating new green spaces that improve biodiversity and preserving valued wildlife species.
Opening the site up to the public with new routes for walking and cycling.
Working with Torbay Council to agree investment in new infrastructure including education, healthcare and transport.
Boosting Torquay’s economic and social sustainability by building the homes the area’s people need.
About Strongvox Homes
Strongvox Homes is a small South West housebuilder. Our experience across the region means we shape our designs based on what we know communities value.
Sladnor Park has been consistently earmarked for development. Plans for a care home were first approved in 2006 and it is allocated in Torbay Council’s draft local plan.
Now we want to know what you think about our plans for new homes on this site.
Tell us what you think
This short survey will take less than a minute!